Animal Dental Specialists of Upstate New York

6867 East Genesee Street
Fayetteville, NY 13066


Common Conditions Treated and Services Offered

Periodontal DiseaseFractured or Non-Vital Teeth | Malocclusions | Retained Deciduous Teeth | Pyogenic Granulomas
Oral Tumors | Unerupted or Incompletely Erupted Teeth | Odontogenic Cysts | Gingival Overgrowth | Immune-mediated Diseases
Tooth Resorption | Prosthodontics | Dental Restoration | Oro-nasal Fistula Repair | Jaw Fracture Repair

Periodontal Disease

What is it? Disease affecting the tissues and bones that support the teeth. We offer a few different options to treat periodontal disease. These are extraction of the teeth, gingivectomy/gingivoplasty to eliminate pseudo-pocketing, root planing (closed and open), and guided tissue regeneration with the use of bone grafts.

Fractured or Non-Vital Teeth

We offer endodontic therapy as an alternative to tooth extraction. This is a great option for fractured or non-vital canine and carnassial teeth. The pulp is removed and the tooth is filled with an inert filling material, allowing the patient to maintain the important chewing and grasping functions of these teeth. 

fractured tooth   
fractured tooth fixed with RCT and restoration

RCT radiograph
Dental Radiograph Following Root Canal Therapy


Endodontics can also be used to treat malocclusions (when one or more teeth are in the incorrect position). This becomes a problem when the soft tissues are traumatized from this misplacement.

Malocclusion                     Malocclusion


Crown reduction followed by vital pulp therapy or root canal therapy is an option for treating traumatic malocclusion. This allows us to reduce the height of the teeth causing trauma while maintaining their function.

Malocclusion after

The application of an orthodontic appliance is an option for some malocclusion treatment plans. Slow, constant pressure of the appliance guides the teeth into a more appropriate position. The images below demonstrate the use of restoration extensions to adjust the alignment of the canine teeth.

Malocclusion                     Malocclusion


Dental composite extensions

(after removal of deciduous teeth and extension application)

Post extensions

Retained Deciduous Teeth

Deciduous (baby) teeth should fall out by approximately 6 months of age. Retained deciduous teeth can cause malocclusion and/or crowding, which can lead to early periodontal disease. These teeth should always be extracted.

Retained deciduous teeth                    Retained deciduous teeth


After removal of retained deciduous teeth

Pyogenic Granulomas

Pyogenic granulomas can form in cats with malocclusions. This is caused by the upper carnassial tooth contacting the soft tissue on the lower mandible. Often, this causes a painful lesion and also periodontal disease.

Pyogenic granulomas                     bone lose

Oral Tumors

We diagnose and treat oral tumors through biopsy and surgical excision. Examples of frequently seen oral tumors include Melanoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Fibrosarcoma, Peripheral Odontogenic Fibroma, Acanthomatous Ameloblastoma, Osteosarcoma, and Papillary Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

Not all oral tumors are metastatic, however some benign tumors can still be locally invasive, displacing teeth, getting in the way when chewing, and making life uncomfortable for the patient. These tumors can be removed with the appropriate margins and the patient can go on with a great quality of life. We also offer staging, surgical excision and counseling for the treatment of metastatic oral disease.

oral mass oral mass oral mass

oral mass oral mass

In some patients, to achieve clean margins, Mandibulectomy (removal of a portion of the lower jaw) or Maxillectomy (removal of a portion of the upper jaw) may be necessary. 

after oral mass removal after oral mass removal

after oral mass removal after oral mass removal after oral mass removal

More often than not, there isn't a drastic change noticeable to the patient's face structure.

after removal

Unerupted Teeth

If a tooth is missing, imaging should be done to determine if that tooth never developed or if the tooth is present but unerupted. Unerupted teeth can cause expansile cysts to develop. These teeth should always be extracted. 

unerupted tooth
Clinical Exam
unerupted tooth
Cone Beam CT Scan

unerupted tooth
Dental Radiograph

Odontogenic Cysts

Untreated odontogenic cysts can cause bone destruction and displacement of teeth. Treatment includes the complete removal of the cyst lining, any unerupted teeth associated with the cyst, and extraction of teeth that have extensive bone loss due to expansion of the cyst.

Odontogenic cyst                     Odontogenic cyst                     Odontogenic cyst

Gingival Overgrowth

We have multiple options to aid in the treatment of gingival enlargement or periodontal pocketing. Gingivectomy/gingivoplasty, guided tissue regeneration (placement of a bone graft), root planing, and crown lengthening for incompletely erupted teeth.

gingival overgrowth
Before gingivectomy/gingivoplasty
after gv/gp
After gingivectomy/gingivoplasty
partially erupted canine
Before crown lengthening
crown lengthening
After crown lengthening

Immune-mediated Diseases

We offer oral surgery and medical management for these cases. Feline Stomatitis and Canine Chronic Ulcerative Stomatitis (CCUS) are shown in the images below respectively.

Feline Gingival Stomatitis
Feline Stomatitis

Canine Chronic Ulcerative Stomatitis (CCUS)

Tooth Resorption

Teeth with resorptive lesions can be painful and difficult to extract. We have extensive experience in extracting these teeth. Unfortunately, extraction is the only acceptable treatment for teeth with this condition.

tooth resorption                         tooth resorption


Crowns can be applied to non-vital (after root canal therapy) or vital strategic teeth. This is especially helpful in law enforcement dogs and pet dogs doing bite work. They can also be applied to feline teeth!


Dental Restorations


Dental caries (similar to cavities in humans) are uncommon in dogs, but can affect the teeth that are similar in shape to our teeth. The decay is removed and a composite filling is placed.


Enamel Defects

Enamel defects can occur for a variety of reasons. Restorations can be applied to protect the porous dentin that is exposed.

Enamel defects

Oro-nasal Fistula Repair

Oro-nasal fistulas (an abnormal communication between the mouth and the nasal cavity) can occur due to several different scenarios. Most commonly, they result following loss or extraction of an upper canine tooth. It is important that these are surgically repaired to prevent food and water from entering the nasal cavity, potentially leading to aspiration pneumonia.

Oro-nasal fistula
ONF after
After oro-nasal fistula repair

Jaw Fracture Repair

Jaw fracture can occur from trauma or long standing periodontal disease. We offer repair and management of these cases using a variety of techniques to restore the patient’s original occlusion (interdigitation and arrangement of the upper and lower teeth).

jaw fracture
Wire jaw fracture repair
With temporary wire placed


jaw fracture
composite splint
With wire and composite splint